We aim to give our younger children an excellent start to their education and learning adventure.
Our Pre-Prep (3-7 year olds) comprises of Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 and has a strong sense of community which fosters a warm, family atmosphere, where everyone feels valued. Our friendly and flexible approach encourages children and parents to feel comfortable and able to talk to our team about anything at any time.
Our experienced Pre-Prep teachers deliver a curriculum which is broad, balanced and creative. It is adapted to suit individual children’s needs and interests so that they are confident, well prepared and highly motivated learners.
In addition to traditional class teaching the children enjoy specialist input for Music, PE, ICT, French and Spanish. Weekly swimming lessons are introduced in Year 1 at Bloxham School Pool, which the children enjoy immensely. Classes are small; creating a caring, friendly environment where children are taught at their own individual pace.
Our teachers create a vibrant, stimulating environment, nurturing, dynamic learning and enabling children to grow in confidence; but most important of all, encouraging them to love learning. We have high expectations for our children. We teach them how to show empathy, to be kind, honest, considerate and respectful towards others.
Children go on an exciting variety of trips at the start of the term in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, and they have special days when they dress up as historical characters, or make and eat different types of food from all across the world to bring their learning to life. The focus is very much on inspiring and sparking pupils’ curiosity.
In Reception, our Little Conkers children continue to follow the national Early Years curriculum, with the addition of learning French, Spanish and Music with specialist teachers. They learn in small groups with lots of individual attention from their teachers, and they enjoy a wide range of outdoor activities in their woodland outdoor classroom which is used even when it is raining.
In years 1 and 2, although play is still an important part of a child’s development, the school day begins to follow a more structured timetable with an exciting, broad and creative curriculum. English, Maths and Science are the core subjects, alongside The Arts, ICT, French and Spanish and Sport. By the time they reach the end of Year 2, our pupils have built secure foundations for their future education, with the skills, motivation and determination that they need to succeed.